Watched this diver from the hard at Mersea. Although it was bright My fingers and toes soon turned numb from the bitterly cold wind, yet he's known as the common loon !!!!.
Wasn't expecting to see this beautiful bird until the New year,but due to weather conditions on the continent & in the North of England. This year they have arrived early searching for food.These two Birds where at Fingringhoe nature reserve Colchester.
After Seven attempts to locate this Powerful billed finch recently. I finally Succeeded today. When this single bird, perched on a tree top at Braxted for a few moments. Next time i hope he stays longer so i'am able to get some better pictures.
I literally took the plunge and waded across to the point at cudmore grove today. It's been a few years since I've seen the Snow buntings on the island. So i decided that by being cut of by the tide, i would have no threat of being disturbed by the dog walkers, And would be able to photograph the Buntings in total isolation. Here is the results.