Monday, 31 August 2009

Your Tern to Answer.

This juvenile Tern was busy preening and was photographed at calis marsh Turkey. Hes got a long journey ahead like, i have back to the uk, but he's off in the other direction to warmer climates. But my lack of knowledge of terns needs some work so identification is needed. please send your answers in the comments tag.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Little bleeder

This Little Bittern was skulking about at Calis marsh near Fethiye, With its new bird tower and the area recently having a conservation certificate issued. This is one of my favorite sites in Turkey and now locally known as Bird Paradise. Just a shame i couldn't get any closer to him for a better photograph, but still a nice turkish tick for the year.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Overlooking the Jay.

The Jay is very common in Turkey, and often overlooked by me. But i decided to quickly take this photo to try and show how it differs from the British race. Note the birds crown is all black, and on the british species this is striped.