Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Knot bad.

Not been much around recently, so when i came across this Knot at Old Hall Marsh feeding with the godwits i was pleased as this is the first for my Essex year list. And being in full summer plumage and with the sun shinning made it even better.
The larger wader in the bottom picture on the left is a Black tailed godwit.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Old Hall Renovation.

I decided to take a walk round RSPB Old Hall Marshes today and the first birds to be seen were these Housemartins collecting sticky mud from a little puddle to repair there nest, that was under the eaves of a nearby house.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Olivaceous over looked.

Been going few some of me old pictures and came across these shots of a Olivaceous warbler, taken in fethiye Turkey in july 2007. It is hard going during July and August due to the heat, but finding an olivaceous warbler is always pleasing and worth while.