Not alot around at the moment, but i did manange to photograph this Redshank on the beach pools at Cudmore Grove before he noticed i had slowly creeped closer and took to the air !!.
Dragged myself out off bed this morning, no time for a dig in the grave (shave), then finding a frost on the car windscreen ?. Was it worth it !!!. Most defiantly after a few fruitless trips i finally connected with a small group of bearded tits feeding in the still conditions with wonderful light -- Happy days ;-).
After visiting Essex Wildlife Trust, Abberton. To see the Lapland bunting's a few weeks ago. I was told that a jack snipe had been seen from the layer breton causeway, earlier that morning. So off i went in search and after sometime careful scanning of the margins i finally found this well hidden beauty.
These are images i got of the Baird's Sandpiper at Holland Haven, back in October. Although they are grainy in quality, you can see the wings extending the tail and general 'jizz' of the bird. You can also see the size comparison of this small wader against the Gulls. Light conditions were very overcast and the distance of the bird didn't help taking photo's on day. But at least its a life tick for me and a new species on me blog :).