Thursday, 10 November 2011

Sunny Afternoon.

The sun finally broke through the grey overcast skies yesterday afternoon. So i decided to grab the camera and make a visit to our beach.  My main objective was to try and capture a few pictures of my favorite passerine the Snow Bunting. What i wasn't expecting was the Finding of a Black redstart at Coopers Beach. And then to see a few Twite mixed in with a flock of linnets at the countrypark. All in all a great ending to a dull overcast day.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Parakeet Productions.

Finally decided to try my hand at a bit of wildlife filming while iv been out recently. And my first culprit was this Ring-Necked Parakeet. Hope you enjoy my clip and hopefully more will be posted in the near future.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Happy jack

After a wasted trip to Abberton yesterday i decided to return to the island a see if the Grey Phalarope was still present at the country park and it was. Although as i arrived another birdwatcher told me he had seen 2 jack snipe. So after an hour off scanning the margins this little beauty strolled in to view.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Glossy moment.

There has been sightings of two Glossy ibis on a local farm recently, but with no access permitted id given up hope off seeing them. So when this one decided to take a rest and prone itself on the pond at Cudmore grove, i couldn't believe me luck. Although the foliage restricted the views i still managed to weave the lens through the leafs and obtain some record shots.

Dizzy sunday morning.

At long last something new, to add to my blog. This scarce grey phalarope has been present at the Mersea island country park for the last few days. And its constant spinning behavier soon had me feeling dizzy trying to photograph it.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Not had the chance to get out recently, so i decided to post some of my record shots of  Black-eared Wheaters taken around Olu Deniz.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Bunting Valley

My friend Ali took me to a recently flooded valley while i was away. known as koy kent (yayla patlangic village).I couldnt prounce that so i called it Bunting valley hence the various Buntings seen there. This area looks really promising for future visits.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Singing Serin

The sound of Serin fill the air at most of the Turkish sites that i visit. I Just wish id got better pictures of the Red Fronted variety, still theres always next time. 

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Trouble at Temel !!

After having 3 days of rain in Olu deniz, i decided that as soon as the sun appeared i would head for a new site i had discovered the last time i was here. The village of Temel is situated to the east of fetiyhe in the mountains.I pulled of the road by a stone bridge crossing the river and was soon watching this White throated robin. But it wasn't long before i was joined by the local jandama (Turkish police). After practising my Turkish language skills, i was soon accompanying them to the local police station. Then after a further 2 hour's and lots of phone calls to friends in Fethiye the jandama relized i wasn't James bond and i was released.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Colourful moment.

My first trip back to The ghost town of kaya koy in 18 months, started with the happy chuckling
 sound of the Bee-eaters filling the warm morning air.  

Monday, 25 April 2011

Dinner time.

Never have i seen a Marsh Harrier carrying a Black headed gull, that was until today. I decided on a quick walk round the ranges this afternoon.And as i sat on the sea wall in the sunshine watching one of the females (top pic). This youngster came over my head struggling to carry its dinner.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Heard before spotted.

The very distinctive call of this Spotted Redshank alearted me of its present at the pools on Saturday. The final tally was 4 Spotties in total on the ranges for the day a pleasing result.

Wondering Wheatear

This year has been good for passage Wheatears, this is yet another one we found, out on the ranges on saturday afternoon.

Grove Garganey.

The Local British trust of Ornithology Web counters discovered these four Garganey On the country park at East Mersea today, whislt carring out a wetland survey. Thanks to there quick actions and phone calls, i was able to gain some record shots.