Monday morning was here and with a clear sunny sky and a frost on the ground i decided to head straight for Langenhoe point in hope of spotting some Bearded Tits. And i wasn't disappointed with 25+ individuals feeding on the reed tops, as the thawed in the early morning sun allowing them to feed. During my stroll round the point 6 separate water rails could be heard squealing in different locations.
After spending a few hours on the point i decided to have a look down the centre track. This area has been out off bounds recently. As i scanned the Hawthorn bushes through my Binoculars i noticed a pale patch on a Hawthorn bush. On closer inspection with the scope it revealed 4 Short-eared Owls in a Parliament meeting.
Another is in the top right back corner
After leaving the Owls the seawall was my next port of call but i was stopped in my tracks by a Cattle Egret and the Great white Egret flying around the marsh from one spot to another. A final look over the sea wall produced a good number of winter ducks and a quick snap of my favorites the Pintails. What a lovely end to a bird filled day on my Patch. A quick look at my watch and 6 hours has passed and it was time for home. Roll on next week