Some new Waders dropped in at the pools Saturday, with a single Sanderling (bottom pic) and a Little Stint found amongst the Ringed plovers as we scanned the flock looking for the broad-billed sandpiper that wasn't to be seen. The days highlight for me was the curlew sandpipers, with 2 adults showing and a small gathering of juveniles feeding with the dunlin. Also had some pleasing moments watching the wood sandpiper with the curlew sandpipers (2nd from bottom pic).
My Sunday morning birding started with setting myself up to scan the local pools.Within a short while i was snapping away at a Snipe (top 2 pics). whilst i was doing so Richard Hull discovered a Little stint (3rd pic), but whilst i was trying to find the stint within my binoculars i came across the Red-necked phalarope. Later in the day we had a number of Little stints including the Temmincks which i was unable to photograph due to me moving to sudden to get him in the viewfinder and spooking the bird and it taking flight into the very far corner. Then whilst scrutinizing the dunlin and ringed plovers. RH unable to speak with excitement was pointing and stuttering that he had found a Broad-billed Sandpiper. This crazy day finale finished with a group of a few Ruff , 4 wood sandpipers a Garganey & 5 whinchat. Numerous yellow wagtails which have been in short supply this year and 4 wheatear. In all a true birding experience, i reckon it will be another 27 years birding before i have a day like this again.
Had a morning out with my good friend and bird artist Richard Hull, at our regular pools and what a days birding it turned out to be. The weather was very overcast and humid and the wind was still. But we had a cracking day and discovered some good birds. I'll start by showing the few photos i managed to get of the Broad billed sandpiper that we found. We had a total of 23 various waders including a Temmincks stint, juvenile red necked phalarope, Little stints plus the regular culprits and that isnt including the good selection of passerines. So as you can imaging it was my best day birding on one of regular patch's for many years if not my best days birding ever.
Well that bright orange thing in the sky wasn't showing itself again, as i arrived at RSPB Lakenheath, Suffolk. So digiscoping would be hard, but my main objective was to see the recent cranes, that have breed at the reserve. After waiting most of the day they finally took to the air, given me a very special moment. Lets hope my next meeting with this bird is on a sunny day in Essex.
Decided it was about time i left Essex for a trip to nearby Weeting Heath, Norfolk. As i wanted to photograph the ultra wary, and rare Stone Curlew. Well it took a long wait combined with a lot of Patience's but eventually after lots of scanning with the binoculars and tad of birdwatchers luck this bird decided to show itself.
Took these pictures a couple off weeks ago, when these Wood sandpipers dropped in to feed at some local freshwater pools. Fueling up ready for there long flights ahead.