Thursday 2 September 2010

Banking on the Holiday.

Bank holiday monday would be the last time i might be able to visit the pools for a while. So i decided two maximise my time by making sure i would be in place a couple of hours before high tide. And with the late afternoon sun i should get some good light. Trying to get a little closer to my subjects without spooking them is always a problem. so after sorting my gear out i settled down under my scrim and waited. As i hoped it was not long before the waders came in. Starting with the Ruff and then after she had waded out off sight, in came the Juvenille Curlew Sandpipers. And the end results are these pictures which i am very pleased with.

1 comment:

  1. ha, I am going to test my thought, your post give me some good ideas, it's truly awesome, thanks.

    - Norman
