Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Grub Time

Most of the Jays local to me are persecuted by the local Farmers and shoot syndicates and are very wary. So this was a unexpected meeting. And he was more interested in hiding his grub. You can see that his crown is striped. Unlike the Jays that I have photographed in Turkey or North Africa. So another new UK species for my blog. Only taken me 15 years to photograph one locally. Till next time peeps please keep safe.

Monday, 25 January 2021

Heavy Crop


One of my earliest memories as a schoolboy at 10 years of age. Was seeing my first Fieldfare.
It was a Sunday afternoon and my grandfather and me where sitting in his upstairs hobby room. He was a very keen philatelist and would show me stamps from all over the world with birds on. Then all off a sudden we both noticed a Fieldfare feeding in the Rowan tree in the front garden. My grandfather pulled out his big heavy ww2 naval binoculars and I had my first ever view of this striking Thrush  It was at that  moment I knew I wanted to be able to capture an image as striking as what we had just witnessed. Forty plus years on and a chance came. Although heavily cropped a pleasing result. And one I'm sure my grandfather would have enjoyed seeing.

Sunday, 17 January 2021

 The rare Firecrest the second smallest bird in the Uk. Has had me wondering around the local wood during my daily exercise hour for the last few days. Such a joy to find on a cold lockdown walk. He had me dancing around like I was listening to The Firestarter. He was very active flitting about the area and seriously added to my daily exercise routine. And the excitement and adrenaline that one gets from such a small creature became quite emotional. Get out and have a walk its great for the Mind. Till my next post please stay Safe peeps.

Saturday, 16 January 2021

My Favourite type of Snow.

 Well as promised in the last post. Here are some photo's off  the Snow Buntings. Just cant get enough time with these little favorites of mine. It might be freezing cold but just laying on the beach letting them feed around me is such a great feeling. That its not long before you forget that you came to photograph them and end up just watching them feed and interact. Hope they stay around till a bit of brighter weather returns. Because I will when the sun finally shines. So get out for an hour and let wildlife help you feel better. Till my next post Stay Safe Peeps.

Friday, 15 January 2021

New year new post.

 The new year has begun and Covid19 has kept us all with restrictions. A little walk to Cudmore grove would give me the oppurtunity to start my 2021 Bird list and this Purple Sandpiper was a bonus mixed amongst the Ringed Plovers. Unfortunately the light was fading and it would have taken a while for the rising tide to push him in for some close shots. Another tame favourite of mine was the Snow Buntings. Some images of the buntings will be in my next post. But just being able to get out really helped to lift my spirits during these harsh horrible times. Till my next post Please Stay Save Peeps,