Friday, 19 February 2021

The Camouflage king.

How pleased I was hearing that some Woodcock had been seen at Cudmore grove. Although working at the time a manged to pinch a bit of time off  last Friday afternoon to have a look for them. Due to their perfect camouflaged plumage it took a while to find one. But one was soon spotted through my binoculars in the Ditch.  And I was able to obtain some photos. The following days proved to be a Woodcock frenzy at the Country park with up to four seen there and numerous other sightings in the local area. I recorded another two birds on the Ranges on the Monday that I flushed during my Survey work. So after a long wait another new species for my blog and year list. Wonder what will turn up next? lets hope it's not to long till my next post. Till then Stay safe peeps.

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Winter Redwing.

With snow on the ground for the last couple days. My walks have been kept to the local woods behind my house. But before I leave I clean and refill all the bird feeders in the garden. The wildlife needs a little extra food and water in winter. Then during my walk I spotted the Firecrest still flitting about the holly bushes. And while I was watching him a few Redwing came and landed in the wood. Knowing how skittish they can be. I took a couple of slow steps back to blend in against the tree. Then lifted my camera slowly. Bingo one was in my frame and these are the final results. So another pleasing walk on my little patch and an hour exercise well spent. 

Monday, 8 February 2021

Having a Goosy Gander.

                                    Greater white-fronted


Had a look through the geese at the beginning of the month. And was pleased to see the Greater white-fronted geese. Although at quite a distance I was able to get a few record shots. It has been a few years since I last saw these Russian visitors. Abberton reservoir was my last recorded sighting. So with lockdown in place I was delighted to see them local. I decided to add a couple of images of Brent and Greylag geese to my blog species list. So remember get out and about peeps but please do Stay safe. 

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Do Not Disturb.


This local Tawny Owl seamed happy snoozing and warming himself up in the midday sun recently. Seeing it hidden amongst the branches was so pleasing. And as not to disturb the owl the pictures were taken from inside my car. Which was a bonus considering how cold it was outside. So till my next post Please get out and explore for some exercise but do Stay Safe Peeps.  

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

A little attempt at filming a few years ago.